Elect Me

Gordy Hulten

County Executive Candidate

Questions & Answers

You are unopposed in the upcoming Primary Election, why is it important for your Champaign County constituents to still vote in the March 20th Election?

Voters should vote in the March 20, 2018 General Primary election if they want to help choose their party's nominees for the November General election.

Is there a particular seat or race on the Republican Primary ballot that you think is important for your Champaign County constituents to pay attention to?

All of the contested Primary contests in each Party will be important to some voters. For me personally, I'm supporting Matt Grandone for the Republican nomination for Champaign County Clerk.

Any other information you would like to add for undecided voters in Champaign County?

The Primary election falls during Spring Break week at the University of Illinois and many area school districts. Voting by mail is easy and convenient and you can request your Vote By mail ballot online here: www.champaigncountyclerk.com/vbm

