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2025 Champaign County Municipal Election Candidate Guide
[City of Champaign Township]
[Champaign Township]
[City of Champaign]
[Village of Rantoul]
[Rantoul Township]
[Village of Mahomet]
[St. Joseph Township]
[City of Urbana]
[Urbana Township]
[Cunningham Township]
[School Districts]
The final day to vote in the
Municipal Consoidated Election
April 1st, 2025
Candidate Guide was last updated
Candidate Questionnaires
have been posted. See how candidates have responded.
Got Questions on Voting?
Check out the Voter Q&A
Do you have candidate information we're missing?
Please email us.
City of Champaign Township
Supervisor - City of Champaign Township
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
John Phillips
Republican Party
Candidate Q & A
Kyle Patterson
Democratic Party
Candidate Q & A
Assessor - City of Champaign Township
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Katherine Moore
Democratic Party
Champaign Township
Supervisor - Champaign Township
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Norman Davis
Republican Party
Candidate Q & A
Leah Taylor
Democratic Party
Candidate Q & A
Clerk - Champaign Township
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Kevin Flynn
Democratic Party
Candidate Q & A
Nicole Miller
Republican Party
Candidate Q & A
Highway Commissioner - Champaign Township
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Keith Padgett
Republican Party
Assessor - Champaign Township
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
James Weisiger
Republican Party
Trustee - Champaign Township
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Bernard "Ben" Timmer
Republican Party
Candidate Q & A
Donna Giertz
Republican Party
Candidate Q & A
James McGuire
Republican Party
Candidate Q & A
Bryan Wrona
Republican Party
Candidate Q & A
Sanford Hess
Democratic Party
Candidate Q & A
Jessica Shortz
Democratic Party
Candidate Q & A
Charles Alan Joyce
Democratic Party
Candidate Q & A
Fred "Rob" Ore Jr.
Democratic Party
Candidate Q & A
City of Champaign
Council Member District 1 - City of Champaign
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Davion Williams
Council Member District 2 - City of Champaign
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Robert Pollett
Council Member District 3 - City of Champaign
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Jamar Brown
Candidate Q & A
Shauna Clayborn
Candidate Q & A
Council Member District 4 - City of Champaign
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Michael Foellmer
Council Member District 5 - City of Champaign
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Vanna Pianfetti
Village of Rantoul
Mayor - Village of Rantoul
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
LWVCC Candidate Forum Video:
Click Here
Samuel "Sam" Hall III
Candidate Q & A
Charles "Chuck" Smith
Candidate Q & A
Village Clerk - Village of Rantoul
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Janet Gray
Village Trustee, District 1 - Village of Rantoul
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Louise Haines
Village Trustee, District 3 - Village of Rantoul
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Donald Robertson
Village Trustee, District 5 - Village of Rantoul
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Mike Graham
Library Board, 6 years - Village of Rantoul
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Deborah LaPine
George Colclasure
Library Board, 4 years - Village of Rantoul
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Theresa Messenger
Rantoul Township
Supervisor - Rantoul Township
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Andy Graham
Highway Commissioner - Rantoul Township
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Danny Sage
Clerk - Rantoul Township
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Geoffrey Wahl
Trustee - Rantoul Township
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Kevin Wolken
Wendy M. Hundley
Jeffrey Jones
Sharica Johnson
Mitchell Suits
Randy McKaufsky
Village President - Savoy
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
LWVCC Candidate Forum Video:
Click Here
Jan Niccum
Candidate Q & A
John Brown
Candidate Q & A
Village Trustee, 4-year term - Savoy
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Larry Kanfer
Joan Dykstra
Heather Mangian
Village Trustee, 2-year unexpired term - Savoy
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Dennis Donaldson
Village of Mahomet
Village President - Village of Mahomet
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Jason Tompkins
Trustee - Village of Mahomet
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Andrew T. Harpst
Toby Willard
Brian Metzger
Trustee- Unexpired - Village of Mahomet
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
William H. Schriver
St. Joseph Township
Supervisor - St. Joseph Township
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Cari West
Todd R. Hitt
Clerk - St. Joseph Township
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Jessie A. Parsons
Assessor - St. Joseph Township
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Michael C. Dilley Jr.
Trustee - St. Joseph Township
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Holly Clingan
Gregory Smith
David Kibler
Lucas Charters
Todd Albers
Kailynn West
David L. Barcus
Road Commissioner - St. Joseph Township
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Brian K. Buss
City of Urbana
Mayor - City of Urbana
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
DeShawn Williams
Democratic Party
Candidate Q & A
City Clerk - City of Urbana
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Darcy Sandefur
Alderman Ward 1 - City of Urbana
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Maryalice Wu
Democratic Party
Alderman Ward 2 - City of Urbana
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Christopher Evans
Democratic Party
Candidate Q & A
Alderman Ward 3 - City of Urbana
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Shirese Hursey
Democratic Party
Alderman Ward 4 - City of Urbana
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Jaya Kolisetty
Democratic Party
Alderman Ward 5 - City of Urbana
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Chaundra Bishop
Democratic Party
Alderman Ward 6 - City of Urbana
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Grace Wilken
Democratic Party
Candidate Q & A
Alderman Ward 7 - City of Urbana
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
James Quisenberry
Democratic Party
Urbana Township
Supervisor - Urbana Township
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Andrew P. Smith
Clerk - Urbana Township
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Connie Wilder
Highway Commissioner - Urbana Township
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Charles Billman
Trustee - Urbana Township
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Kenneth Davis Sr.
Khadija Davis
Joshua Daly
Jason Pew
Teresa Whitlatch
Mark Douglas
Cunningham Township
Supervisor - Cunningham Township
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Danielle Chynoweth
Assessor - Cunningham Township
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Ivana Owona
School Districts
Parkland Board of Trustees
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Danel W. Marker
Bianca Green
Champaign CUSD 4 - Full Term
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
LWVCC Candidate Interview videos are
Available Here
Karl P. Geissler
Candidate Q & A
Ronald Eugene Baker Jr.
Candidate Q & A
Alvaro "Al" Molina
Candidate Q & A
Charles Anthony-Jarrel Young Jr.
Candidate Q & A
Grace Yun Kang
Candidate Q & A
Christy Arnold
Candidate Q & A
Anthony "Tony" Bruno
Candidate Q & A
Champaign CUSD 4 - Unexpired Term
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
LWVCC Candidate Interview videos are
Available Here
Fatima Ahmed
Candidate Q & A
Roselle Bhosale
Candidate Q & A
Justin Michael Hendrix
Candidate Q & A
Mark A Holm
Candidate Q & A
Urbana School District 116
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Jennifer Hixson
Rantoul City School Board 137
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Minore "Moto" Johnson
Robin Vaughn
Niki Pettit
Rantoul Township High School 193
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Ann H. Reale
Stephanie Burnett
Paige Cler
Jennifer Fox
Gregory D Suits
Mahomet CUSD 3
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Max McComb
Sunny McMurry
Cheryl Sizer
St. Joseph CCSD 169
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Daniel Thompson
Lindsay Rubach
Brooks Bennett-Miller
Jim OBrien
Scott E. Perkins
St Joseph-Ogden CHSD 305
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Mitchell Schluter
Alicia Maxey
James Rein
Tolono CUSD 7
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Douglas L. Rund
Nathan Baxley
Ronald Estes
Fisher CUSD 1
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Michael Briggs
Stacey Albers
Katie Einck
Gifford Grade School 188
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Joshua D Kopmann
Teresa McClain
Heritage CUSD 8
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Chris Kirschner
Courtney Montgomery
Blake Young
Curt Elmore
Darin Ray Riggs
Prairieview-Ogden 197
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Axel Mohr
Calvin Mohr
Evan William Huls
Thomasboro CCSD 130
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Karen Morgan
Amber Seder
Village of Tolono
Village President - Village of Tolono
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Gary Mitchell
Terrence Stuber
Trustee - Village of Tolono
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Thomas "Tom" Swigart
Mark Adair
Delbert Boyle
Jared Robbins
Matthew Graven
Public Library - Village of Tolono
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Charles Schultz
Kelli Trei
Tolono Township
Supervisor - Tolono Township
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Jeffery D. Little
Clerk - Tolono Township
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Douglas Stierwalt
Assessor - Tolono Township
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Denise Dees
Highway Commissioner - Tolono Township
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Bradley Clemmons
Trustee - Tolono Township
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Thomas Barnhart
Charles Easton
Jason Little
Larry D. Kearns
Compromise Township
Supervisor - Compromise Township
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Andrew Bahr
Clerk - Compromise Township
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Gary Swearingen
Assessor - Compromise Township
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Earl Smith
Trustee - Compromise Township
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Cale Heidbeder
Tyler Babb
Stacey Severins
Timothy Dillman
Highway Commissioner - Compromise Township
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Bryan Schlater
Harwood Township
Supervisor - Harwood Township
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Mark Schluter
Clerk - Harwood Township
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Keith Harms
Trustee - Harwood Township
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Rodney Bergman
Nathan Quinlan
Richard Peavler
Cory Roelfs
Highway Commissioner - Harwood Township
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Aaron Tuller
Newcomb Township
Supervisor - Newcomb Township
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Emily Harmon
Clerk - Newcomb Township
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Laura Baker
Trustee - Newcomb Township
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Nick Harmon
Jed Schulze
Laura Heiser
Flynn McCormick
Road Commissioner - Newcomb Township
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Chris D. Cougill
Ogden Township
Supervisor - Ogden Township
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Michael Behrens
Clerk - Ogden Township
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Doug Bluhm
Trustee - Ogden Township
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Bruce Frerichs
Calvin Mohr
Troy Ray
Tyler Wright
Highway Commissioner - Ogden Township
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Greg Frerichs
Pesotum Township
Supervisor - Pesotum Township
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Christina Mobley
Clerk - Pesotum Township
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Leeann Robeck
Trustee - Pesotum Township
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Janice Thomas
Bill L. Mobley
Phillip Robeck
Dennis M. Butler
Road Commissioner - Pesotum Township
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Josh Eisenmenger
Raymond Township
Supervisor - Raymond Township
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Randy L. Wells
Clerk - Raymond Township
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Terri Stigers
Trustee - Raymond Township
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Randall Frick
Marty Wilson
Brian Taylor
David J. Bosch
Highway Commissioner - Raymond Township
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Hank Lewis
Sidney Township
Supervisor - Sidney Township
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Tim Osterbur
Clerk - Sidney Township
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Becky A. Bennett
Assessor - Sidney Township
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Jamie Willard
Trustee - Sidney Township
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Jason L. Robinson
Ryan T. Mumm
Brian Field II
Jeremy Nelson
Chad Wendling
Highway Commissioner - Sidney Township
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Jeff Roberts
Stanton Township
Supervisor - Stanton Township
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Chad Goldenstein
Clerk - Stanton Township
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Lee W. Waters
Trustee - Stanton Township
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Dwight L. Franzen
Daniel Ehman
Mitchell J. Osterbur
Tim Harms
Road Commissioner - Stanton Township
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Derek W. Harms
Village of Broadlands
Mayor - Village of Broadlands
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Bruce Block
Trustee - Village of Broadlands
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Michelle Shanks
Steve Tipsword
Andrew Richard Henson
Village of Foosland
Trustee - Village of Foosland
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Brian Field
Trustee- Unexpired - Village of Foosland
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Lynn Meece
Village of Homer
Mayor - Village of Homer
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Roger Faulkner
Trustee - Village of Homer
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Skip James
Ray F. Ryenson
Tamara Lynn Boen
Trustee- Unexpired - Village of Homer
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
David Steckel
Village of Longview
Clerk - Village of Longview
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Caryn Akers
Trustee - Village of Longview
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Rodger Ocheltree
Lori K. Gates
Jeramy Bader
Trustee- Unexpired - Village of Longview
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Charles A.J. Auteberry
Village of Ludlow
Trustee - Village of Ludlow
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Thomas Fultz
William Brian Bina
John R. Curtis
Trustee- Unexpired - Village of Ludlow
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Karen M. Shedd
Tharla Palumbo
Village of Ogden
Village of President - Village of Ogden
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
James Acklin
Clerk - Village of Ogden
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Jennifer Bowman
Trustee - Village of Ogden
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
John R. Wright
Ryan Wakefield
Kelly Cooper
Brenden Lewis
Trustee- Unexpired - Village of Ogden
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Wade Stine
Village of Philo
Village President - Village of Philo
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Larry R. Franks
Trustee - Village of Philo
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
David A. Happ
Thomas Kelley
Eric T. Beckett
Village of Royal
Trustee - Village of Royal
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Timbra Hilton
Marc Osterbur
Chris Clark
Trustee- Unexpired - Village of Royal
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Sandra Lackey
Village of Sadorus
Village President - Village of Sadorus
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Theodore "Ted" Myhre
Trustee - Village of Sadorus
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Joel Thompson
Ken Petersen
Ken Gaines
Champaign Park District
Commissioner (Full Term) - Champaign Park District
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Tyler R. Rouse
Rantoul Park District
Commissioner (Full Term) - Rantoul Park District
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Richard Jean
Commissioner (2 Year Term) - Rantoul Park District
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Ashley Bryan
Urbana Park District
Commissioner (Full Term) - Urbana Park District
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Sarah Roper
Ashley Withers
Tolono Park District
Trustee (Full Term) - Tolono Park District
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Aaron Edwards
Trustee (Unexpired 4 Year Term) - Tolono Park District
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Delina Long
Pamela Steele
Trustee (Unexpired 2 Year Term) - Tolono Park District
When voting, you may vote for up to
of these candidates.
Bree Ocasio
Ballot Referendums
City of Champaign
Proposition to Increase the Limiting Rate
Referendum Text
Thomasboro CSD 130
Proposition to Increase the Limiting Rate
Referendum Text
Thomasboro Fire
Proposition to Increase the Limiting Rate
Referendum Text
Ludlow Fire
Proposition to Increase the Limiting Rate
Referendum Text
How was this guide created?
Learn more
[City of Champaign Township]
[Champaign Township]
[City of Champaign]
[Village of Rantoul]
[Rantoul Township]
[Village of Mahomet]
[St. Joseph Township]
[City of Urbana]
[Urbana Township]
[Cunningham Township]
[School Districts]
For a complete list of Uncontested Candidates,
Click Here
How was this guide created?
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Do you have candidate information we're missing?
Please email us.
VoteChampaign is NonPartisan and we do not endorse any candidates. ©2022