Sherry Johnson

Sherry Johnson

Questions & Answers

For the April 2019 Election

What is the importance of the Village Trustees to residents of Rantoul?

The importance of a village trustee are to the adhere to the duties set forth by the Illinois Municipal code. Village trustees are responsible for the approval of a budget and establishing a tax levy. Also, consider and establish policies such as community goals, major projects, land use development, capital improvement plans, capital financing and strategic planning. (65ILCS 5/art 3.1 Div45 heading)

Why are you qualified to be a Village Trustee?

Co-managed Maplewood Estates Manufacturing House Community for 34 1/2 years
Bookkeeper for family owned business in Mattoon, IL
Board of Directors for Illinois Manufacturing Housing Association (IMHA)
Co-president at Eastlawn School, and room parents several years
Very Involved Parents Association (VIP) for Rantoul Township High School (RTHS)
Vice chair for Citizen Advisory Committee for the Village of Rantoul
Champaign county Election Judge
Secretary for Eden Park Cemetery at American Lutheran Church
Sunday school teacher, Bible School teacher and co- sponsor for Luther League at American Lutheran Church
Member of Epsilon Sigma Alpha
Appointed to Rantoul Village Board of Trustees in 2018

If elected, what is something you want to accomplish on the Board of Trustees, and how long will it take?

Bringing Economic Development will provide new employment opportunities for our citizens. This will involve all residents working together to bring this to fruition.

Is there anything else you would like to say to an undecided voter?

I have been involved in city government for 29 years. Attending city meetings and asking questions and giving opinions to trustees and mayors. I’m also involved with our schools and churches. Co-owned and operated a housing community for citizens to feel safe and respected. Always worked for the betterment of the community. I listen to others and respect their input on items affecting them and our community. We all can make a difference working together and not against each other. I have a deep respect for this community and Rantoul is a great place to live, work and raise a family. I am running for all residents of Rantoul, not just a select few. I believe I will make a difference in the future of our community.

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